To wait is to hope. To hope is not to lose patience. To be bored is normal. To cry out loud is acceptable. But to lose hope is a no-no. Anything worth trying is worth waiting for. Life in general takes a lot of waiting. Determination and great discipline that will be developed along the process of this waiting period is a great help in the journey of life.
For so many years now, I'd been waiting for so many things. When I was younger I was always ask to wait. Waiting for my
mother to arrive, waiting for the food to be served, waiting for the older people to decide on a certain matter. Every child has a great patience in this waiting period. When we were young there is not much of an agitation in the waiting period. But as I grow, I still waited for things that matters and may affect my life. Examination results were the most awful thing to wait for at that time. The feeling is so terrible because the result or outcome may decide where the future will be nurture further. As the days become closer to the revelation or unveiling of the truth, my heart throbs nervously and crazily.
But I can't do anything. I need to learn from my mistakes. Mistakes that I got very bad consequences. I need to grow. I became older but I didn't mature. It's better when I was younger because I have patience for waiting things to come and happen. But now its the other way around. I know everything happens for a reason.
I must learn to patiently wait. Waiting would mean I must slow down a little bit. I must rest from time to time. Looking around would be great to divert my attention and enjoy life as it comes every minute of the day. Everything has its time. If things are really meant to be mine then it will be. I must wait ... wait ... wait ... and wait. I know it will come ... very soon.