Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It's Not Too Late!

What you're about to read was a personal resolution which I always read on New Years day and on Holy Week. Why including holy week? Well, during this kind of holiday I have another chance to think again of the task I have to do and/or to recall the kind of person I should be for people to remember me.

Let this year be better than all the others -- was its original title.

It's another year to prepare for my future. Every year is a different year for every individual. Let this year be better than all the others. It is not too late to check myself from my mistakes, promise to do some things I've always wanted to do and remind myself of little important attitudes towards living (hmmm ... what are those?)

I have to confess I am a perfectionist, but no man is perfect. (I'll have to engrave that to my brain). To be perfect is to balance the thoughts and actions which will harmonize in truth. Yet many people try to balance everything. (hmm ... ) All the accuracy and precision I do must be geared towards a specific purpose --- that is total positive self-realization. I must start calling a friend I haven't heard for quiet some time. I hope my simple "hello" can uplift a spirit.

It is important to know myself, even though I know that will make me unhappy --- truth hurts. I must be aware and understand that peace and happiness lies within me. To be careful in choosing the person I would trust. I shouldn't be gullible. The one who makes me laugh today might be the one who will cause tears tomorrow. To try not to make a promise I think I can't keep. Free myself of envy and malice. Try to be a role model to young people and be supportive. I need a role model too, but I know I can be a role model to younger ones especially in this fast and progressive generation.

There is a saying that goes " to take a job problem home or a home problem to work is like walking on a new carpet with muddy shoes". I'll keep my problems where they belong. I'll stop magnifying small problems. Words I cannot eat are hard to digest so I'll refrain from speaking harsh words so I won't get it too. I'll find more time to relax myself and play more games ( I like this ... fun, fun, fun ) But there is a game that I would try to stop ... guessing game ( the adult guessing game --- I found out, we have one ) Almost every day, I guess at what others are thinking and doing. So instead of assuming and guessing what people are doing ... I'll just ask directly. Guessing often brings negative thoughts and attitudes such as doubt, jealousy and suspicion which in return bring sorrow to oneself and others. I'll be more open-minded. Try to understand a point of view that is different from your own. Few things are 100 percent more one way or the other.

Sometimes thoughts and feelings are expressed in laughter, but it can have a positive or negative influences and effects. One thing that is not good is to laugh at the misfortune of others. Doing this is quiet cruel, so I'll do my best not to laugh at others in their weakest times. The one affected is the closest to the laughter, that is, the one who is laughing. I'll apologize when I realize that I'm wrong. An apology never deminishes a person. It elevates him. I won't blow my own horn or carry my own chair. I'll wait for others to give compliments on my accomplishments ... if it didn't happen, oh well I always have my right hand to tap my left shoulder "you did very well". ( I like this. ) I'll always give compliments. It might give someone a badly needed lift.

There is no time like the present. It provides opportunities for improvement because whatever step I make will either take me up or down, backward or forward. The past cannot be changed but the present bring with it time to change, to build, to improve. I would find time to be kind and thoughtful. We are all given a time allotment: 24 houes a day. I would be more optimistic. Mistakes are lessons to learn from, not for crying over. I have a tomorrow habit --- including most of the people I know. I've noticed that we have slogans that encourages us to "act now!" But its still difficult for me to appreciate the value of time. I must continue in learning how to manage time wisely. I should stop "I'll do it tomorrow" habit. If I can do it now, do it. If it doesn't happen it leads to laziness, carelessness and misuse of time.

Every now and then during the day, I'll try to stop for a moment and take a look at the blessings I have got, regardless of how big or small it is. ( I've had several blessings that I valued when they were gone ... don't wait for this to happen. ) I would find time to check on my friends, relatives not just my clothes, accessories and gadgets. I would also find time for myself to improve intellectually, spiritual and have a healthy living. Well, I'm only one I've got. I'll be myself more. Phoniness is transparent, and it is tiresome. Try to avoid malcontents and being pessimists. I'll think things through carefully.

I won't say "sorry" when I don't mean it at all. It is easy to say. Talk is cheap, they say. These are words spoken without meaning, without truth, then words are wasted. To say sorry is very easy but do I really mean it? Perhaps I shouldn't make the mistakes I've done. I'll take time to think before I speak again so that I won't regret later.

Well, these challenges are going to be tough and living on earth is a survival of the fittest. I believe that I have all the materials I need to believe --- but I'm wrong. I need people like my relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors and the community. I want to have them with me, so to be a part of a community, I must be one. For a start --- SMILE. It won't hurt me to stretch my lips a little upward. Walk tall and smile more. Through smile, I'll have more friends. Through smile I'll look prettier. And I won't be afraid to say "I love you." ( Well, you say too. Say it one more time. ) They are the sweetest words in the world. Before the year ends, I'll do something that I will proud of. So when I welcome the coming year, I'll stand tall and smile the biggest I can.

When I wrote this five years ago, it wasn't as long as this one. It is more on like a wish list. But as I read and re-read it every year, it becomes longer and added few intellectual comments. I hope you learn something from it. And I hope I'll be able to accomplish most of what I've written.


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